Tag Archives: date night

Friday Night is Date Night!

If you have children, you understand that couple time is precious time. For many of us, it requires making a date to have that time when children are not the primary focus of conversation, where we re-discover the one we married and learn new and surprising things about each other. Date night is fun!

However, it can be an expensive proposition. A dinner out can range from $10.00 to upwards of $200.00. Add in a movie, or some other entertainment and you’ve rapidly increased the costs of the night. I know… date night does not have to be expensive.

When our children were younger, we’d sit outside with a meal of spaghetti and the baby monitor on after they were in bed. It was candlelight dining of the finest order. Teenagers do not go to bed at 8:00 p.m., though. Much less 7:00 p.m.

This means for the parents of teenagers a date night at home requires additional creativity. And, that, friends necessity being the mother of invention… is how we came to celebrate Twisted 50’s Friday Night Dates.

I’ll keep you apprised of the plans for this Friday, and hope you’ll feel inspired to join in!